Office Address

  • 121 King Street, Australia
  • (00) 2500-123-4567


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All Services

Commercial Services

Installation: Power Up Electrical WA specializes in comprehensive electrical solutions for commercial spaces. From the initial setup of electrical systems in offices, retail spaces, and other commercial buildings, our team ensures efficient and compliant installations.

Maintenance: Our maintenance services cover routine inspections, repairs, and upgrades to guarantee smooth functioning of electrical systems in commercial settings. We provide ongoing support to prevent disruptions and ensure safety and compliance.

Industrial Services

Installation: For industrial facilities, Power Up Electrical WA offers specialized installation services tailored to the complex needs of heavy machinery, manufacturing equipment, and industrial infrastructure. Our team is skilled in managing large-scale electrical installations.

Maintenance: We focus on maintaining industrial electrical systems, conducting regular checks, addressing issues promptly, and ensuring operational safety, helping to avoid downtime and maintain productivity.

Residential Services

Installation: Power Up Electrical WA provides a range of electrical installation services for homes, from lighting and wiring to appliance installations. Our team ensures that your residential electrical setup is safe, reliable, and meets your specific needs.

Maintenance: Our residential maintenance services cover everything from routine inspections to emergency repairs, ensuring that your home's electrical systems are always in top condition for safety and convenience.

24/7 Emergency Support

Maintenance: Our emergency maintenance services are available round the clock, addressing unforeseen electrical issues promptly to restore functionality and safety without delay.